
RocheDiagnosticsoperatesinover100countriesworldwide.Pleasefillouttheformbelowandyourrequestwillbesenttotheteaminyourrespectivecountry.,Thiswebsitecontainsinformationonproductswhichistargetedtoawiderangeofaudiencesandcouldcontainproductdetailsorinformationotherwisenot ...,Asapioneerinhealthcare,wehavebeencommittedtoimprovinglivessincethecompanywasfoundedin1896inBasel,Switzerland.,RocheAppliedSc...

Contact Roche Diagnostics

Roche Diagnostics operates in over 100 countries worldwide. Please fill out the form below and your request will be sent to the team in your respective country.

Product category

This website contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not ...


As a pioneer in healthcare, we have been committed to improving lives since the company was founded in 1896 in Basel, Switzerland.

Roche Applied Science

Roche Applied Science was a global business entity in the biotechnology sector that produces reagents and systems for life sciences research, ...

Roche Applied Science Product Catalog_Page ...

Company Name Roche Applied Science · Tel 800 428 5433 · Email · WebSite · CB Index 85.

Roche Life Sciences

At Roche we deliver a broad and growing selection of advanced research tools that accelerate life science discovery. Committed to innovation, quality, and ...

Roche® Life Science Products

Roche Life Science Products - As the exclusive distributor of Roche products and biochemical reagents, we are committed to enabling your next breakthrough ...


作為羅氏公司的五大事業部之一,應用科學部的業務涵蓋了從生物、生物科技到醫學研究的各種生命科學領域;產品和服務涉及生命科學研究的科研設計、樣品准備、樣品處理到 ...